Ethics News

Nevadans' concern about crime is at a 21st-century high: 'public opinion has tilted toward the conservative position'
With crime on the rise in Nevada and across the nation and "Defund the Police" movements persisting, Americans are reportedly more concerned about crime now than at any other time during the 21st century. According to poll results, the subject of crime is a hot topic among right-wing voters and left-wing voters alike, and the recall of progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin may be a sign that crime is a potent issue in municipal elections.

Lawsuit alleges police mistook Black motorist for white felon in early 2020 traffic stop
A 25-year-old Black man alleges in a federal civil rights lawsuit that an early 2020 traffic stop in suburban Las Vegas led to a weeklong jail stay because of mistaken identity on law enforcement's part.