The publication is reproduced in full below:
Cloture Motion
Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I send a cloture motion to the desk.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cloture motion having been presented under rule XXII, the Chair directs the clerk to read the motion.
The senior assistant legislative clerk read as follows:
Cloture Motion
We, the undersigned Senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of Executive Calendar No. 320, Rufus Gifford, of Massachusetts, to be Chief of Protocol, and to have the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service.
Charles E. Schumer, Richard J. Durbin, Brian Schatz,
Martin Heinrich, Alex Padilla, Jacky Rosen, Margaret
Wood Hassan, Dianne Feinstein, Benjamin L. Cardin,
Richard Blumenthal, Angus S. King, Jr., Jon Ossoff,
Bernard Sanders, Christopher Murphy, Sheldon
Whitehouse, Sherrod Brown, Christopher A. Coons.
SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 216
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